Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Cloud Computing Guidance

Cloud Computing Guidance

Cloud Computing is “the next big thing” in the evolution of the computer industry. It levels the playing field by offering every developer and company in the world virtually unlimited, aggressively priced, and readily available computational, storage, and communication resources. But what’s the best way to use all the new goodness?

This video explores some of the best practices for migrating existing applications to the Cloud, creating new Cloud applications, and creating hybrid application that combine on–premises and Cloud assets. The session will be Windows Azure centric, but the principles presented are applicable to any Cloud platform. In addition to discussing various technological aspects of Cloud Computing, we will also briefly discuss the budgetary and organizational aspects of Cloud Computing, as compared to developing on–premises software.

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