Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Category: <span>Videos</span>

Making LAMP a Cloud

The LAMP stack rules in the scale-out world. Is there a major web property that doesn’t run on MySQL? However, as we shift to a cloud infrastructure for software, it’s not about stacks any longer. It’s about mixing and matching the most suitable pieces of software, connecting them through APIs …

Azure without SQL

The Microsoft Azure platform offers SQL Azure to make migration easier, but it also offers a set of highly scalable storage services that take a different approach to data storage: Tables, Blobs and Queues. They pose a new set of challenges to application designers since they are offer no transactional …

Planning Your Cloud Strategy

Rhonda Abrams, best-selling author and trusted advisor for growing businesses, Bill Odell of Dell Cloud Business Applications and Scott Holden of discusses proven best-practices for moving your business to the cloud and real-world tips for creating a cloud application integration strategy to ensure maximum return on investment.

Private Cloud Implementation Best Practices

Want to build out a Microsoft Private Cloud solution? Want to learn the best practices for implementing,managing and growing your Private cloud topology? Come to this session to ramp up on the various private cloud best practices and lessons learned during industry and internal implementations of Microsoft’s Private Cloud solution. …

Pragmatic Cloud Computing

As a software developer, what does cloud computing really, pragmatically mean for you? Technologies used by public web companies and now cloud computing are looking to offer a new way to deliver applications by addressing deployment and provisioning concerns. Agile software development has sped up the actual development of software, …

Deploying WaveMaker to Cloud Foundry

WaveMaker is a rapid application development open source environment for building, maintaining and modernizing business-critical Web 2.0 applications. WaveMaker Studio generates standard Java apps – extensible by expert developers using any Java IDE. WaveMaker Server uses standard Java components to provide security, data access & scalability. With WaveMaker 6.4, you …