Software Development for a Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, AWS, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Heroku
Category: <span>Videos</span>

Node.js on Heroku

This video introduces Node.js and demonstrates how its non-blocking approach enables lean, scalable server applications. Node.js is an event-driven, JavaScript-based, high-performance I/O framework for server-side programming. It also shows how you can get started building your first Node.js app on Heroku.

vCloud Director 1.5 Quick Start

This start video provides a simplified, step-by-step set of instructions for creating a new virtual machine on the StratoGen vCloud platform. The StratoGen vCloud platform is built upon VMware vCloud Director 1.5. This video is a supplement to the vCloud director 1.5 user manual which provides comprehensive information about the …

Practical CQRS with Windows Azure

CQRS architecture approaches are an emerging trend for building distributed systems in .NET. They bring together multiple time-proven patterns and practices of delivering scalable solutions with rich business value. CQRS is also a natural fit for cloud computing projects, where it provides clear design baseline and allows reducing development and …